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  • Thou hath gotten me twisted for thou art assumed that I giveth a fuck so easily. In other words I am fresh out of fucks to give.

    Tread lightly for ti's but a slippery slope...

    A few things i have learned in life..
    you cant love anyone else until you love yourself and who you are
    if you dont love your job… quit.
    you will never get caught in truth.
    live your life the way you want to, not the way anyone else wants you
    never settle, even if it means being single for ever.
    you cant make someone love you, no matter how hard you try.
    treat everyone the way you want to be treated.
    a true friend would never hesitate to help you out and will never
    hesitate to ask for help.
    we all have a weakness, know it and be mindful of it.
    until you get to know someone, you should not judge them or assume
    what type of person they may be.
    some people are blind even with 20 20 vision, don’t try to make them
    see things your way, they will see only if they choose to.
    therefore, do not follow others blindly.
    sometimes a smile really says more than any word could.
    you cant buy love.
    speak clearly of your mind, be mindful of others feelings.
    truth only hurts the weak, if you dont see truth in something,
    question it.
    expectations kill relationships, just take my word on this one, there
    will be plenty of heartbreaks if you keep expecting things from others.
    everyday i wake up there is an opportunity to make someones day,
    take those opportunities and be the love you seek to see in the world.
    each day is a blessing, don’t count them, live them.
    don’t work for the money, work for the love of what you do.
    everything happens for a reason, open your eyes and pay attention
    even when things don’t make sense at the moment they happen.
    you never know… you could be gone tomorrow. So before you go to
    sleep each night take a moment to be thankful for the life you have
    and the people you love.
    you have nothing without your health.
    too much of anything is poisonous… except love.
    You cannot worry about those things you can’t control. So for those
    things that you can control, if you do your best then you will have
    even less to worry about.
    I will always love you, always.

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    Joined April 2017
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