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  • Fuh-Q: iif my body is a temple then im only letting men in to sacrifice them so Fuh-Q: were all a bunch of smashed assholes and yet specs of dust for it to not matter lol
    Fuh-Q: teaching them not to shit where they eat and drawing them a map with crayon to where they can fuck all the way offff from where they fucked up
    Fuh-Q: with 2 inches ur more than a clit
    Fuh-Q: as long as u have more dick in ur pants than ur personality lmao
    Fuh-Q: Men only exist for us to make fun of them.
    Fuh-Q: these boys spend more time drawing dicks than they do cleaning out their dick cheese
    Christopher49: Will you teach me how to be a flaming queer so I can talk about pussies & cream pies & girls will giggle & find me adorable too?
    Fuh-Q: i can party way better when i dont have some emotional crippple making me question my every move

    Fuh-Q: i used to have man servants but now they are volunteers
    Fuh-Q: and the cult is a coven for tax purposes
    Fuh-Q: gotta keep it socially acceptable

    Ducal: you know diffrent between kinky and perv?
    Ducal: kinky is when use a feather on a girl friend a perv useing the whole bird xD

    Ducal: What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball?
    Ducal: A guy will actually search for a golf ball.

    Coffay"Too many people equate being a contrarian to being intelligent and independent. I'm surprised we all still agree that the sky is blue."

    goddessjezebel: u dont have to agree with her and u can think shes dumb but if u want people to respect ur perceived intelligence, respect their perceived ignorance.

    ≫ TinkerSpanker: ≫ CaptainCarnage: ama come at you like a satchel of vaginas ─ How to say "Eat a bag of dicks eloquently" "Doth thou devour a satchel of Richards" ─

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    Joined July 2020
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