My Profile

  • I am easy going , love life and enjoy all of my friends :) Chat is my happy stress free place!
    Things I enjoy are music , the outdoors , dancing ,reading, good conversation , laughing and being lighthearted :) to name a few !
    I am flirty to a fault :) but am called Miss Innocent by most of my friends so please do not misinterpret my intentions to mean anything more :) You can lust me lol just do not love me :) yes I am joking here or am I ...... Penny for your thoughts :) I have chatted for over 20 years I keep my chat life simple and fun ;) It is mainly a social outlet for me :)
    If you have a question please feel free to ask :) and just for the record I say hello beautiful and gorgeous to woman and men alike :) men get your minds out of the gutter lol no I do not like woman in a sexual way but I love and enjoy all of my friends :) equally and I am kind to everyone ;)
    Thank You in advance for the smiles and constant laughter you all bring me :) and for making my life happier :) each day .
    I learned long ago I make my own happiness :) I can invite people to share my happiness with me ...... but NO one can be the soul reason for my happiness :)
    To my end here I love Goofy :) since I was a little girl very long ago haha :) I always say Goofy is my one True love ...... he can warm your heart in a second and just makes people smile , laugh and happy what could be better :)
    I have a Goofy , fun loving side to my personality ;) other then my sexual sensual side it is one of the best sides of my personality :) I am a Cancer sign lol that tells a story within itself :)
    I am happy to be back :) I have missed so many of you :)

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    Joined December 2022
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