My Profile

  • heyitme: I want holes

    CodeNamedDuchess: the only thing dani has ever killed is an erection

    shinyama: dani sama is kawaii Japanese princess

    Passive: Dani is so cute when she unhinges her jaw like a snake to take in the food

    Ben_A-Dryl: IT'S GAY 2 BE EMPLOYED

    dickbutt: im growing my hair out i will show you all
    dickbutt: i could pretend i have an 8 inch penis like most epikchat men but i live in the same reality that god created for me
    dickbutt: "faster" ok im not seabiscuit you fuckin inbred
    dickbutt: "go deeper" yeah with what penis
    dickbutt: i was literally born to beat up women
    dickbutt: ≫ ImNotCharles: have yall been to sleep yet? ─ if you havent been called the n word today you're askin for it partner
    dickbutt: it wasnt until i realized i could beat women up without consequences that i started liking you as a person

    Colt1: robert can literally rearrange my guts w that batdick

    jojoooooo: Dani such a menac


    BigDT: high tax is only what we make it out to be

    Achilles: too many here think they are cool but workout at planet fitness

    Mike-Hawk: bro do i look like a dude who would have a gf?
    Mike-Hawk: i'll say i'm retarded
    Mike-Hawk: i'm a chameliogne
    Mike-Hawk: u dont wanna see the bird
    Mike-Hawk: sorry i don't dress up for you when i hit the bottle
    Mike-Hawk1: is it my good looks my big cock or parrot

    b0st0ndgaf: i want like 5 jimmy changas

    acai6: my 15% bi side is invested 100% in dani rn

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    Joined January 2014