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HeroOfThisChat: 2005 Nissan Altima
Passive: spaceisfake: skillz dude chill ─ wild when Cory has to tell another spastic to chill out ─
Passive:he's talking about my cock
Curt: idk im a retard not a lawyer
spaceisfake: happy birthday, you're so special
catfood: the average epikchat man has breasts and 2 or more chins
BeachFace: has anyone had a 3 some and honestly enjoyed it enough to keep doing it?
HeroOfThisChat: I ONLY HAVE 2 HANDS SO I CAN'T SAY I HAVE HAD ONE YETPrettyChiiledDude: spaceisfakevegan
mleee: Honnica
WIGI: im just gonna do cocaine and binge gossip girl
Mike-Hawk: i'm hung like a baby pidgeon
broooke: i wish i had back legs
broooke: i guess those are just our legsswirlandcurl: green is my lil autistic leo dicraprio
shinyama: heatwave. topless. my moobs. OOOOOOOO
heyitme: If you want women to stop blasting their holes then you should stop paying them
heyitme: imagine youre shitting in your dream but actually just shitting the bed
PrettyChiiledDude: Brian could be a human snow globe
test1: gre3n Australia is full of tall and fit women, but you can't find a virgin, I can't figure it out
test1: gre3n i m tranny ,cut of penis and dig holeb0st0ndgaf: girls eye fuck me so much i got anxiety, i cant just fuck them all
Trip: i have WAY more respect for mashed potatoes than i do most vaginas
PAULLLL: Jenn is a baby brandon cruz going to explode out of your stomach like that scene from total recall
Trip: GRE3N: ironically, chairboy answers to his name
mendicant: green, i'm not answering to that name fucking stupid retardFemale54: #1 best-gay-but-not-gay-but-possibly-gay-female-friend aka Psychological Sewage dump for chicks = green
test1: love gun love freedom
david-nelsunstudio1: green you CHEWED UP GUM FACE LOOKING NERD BITCH
david-nelsunstudio1: my mom HAD to lie to me about me being handsome
david-nelsunstudio1: growing updickbutt: when I type brian on my phone the next suggested word is unemployed
dickbutt: 5 feet 4 inches of raw unemployed power
Fitz: Gre3n.. Gre3n. *A bottle of Jameson's calling Gre3n's name*
jay_tik: mike would u say your posture has improved since the 5' rumors
dickbutt: mandy your disrespect has gone to far as of right now, I, Adam Bin-Salman al-Muhajeed declare a fatwah on you
dickbutt: Gre3n toughen up cunt a few spoons of the vegemite and you're good on
yxnn: brian and brandon were born in the same kinda ooze as the ninja turtles, brian looks like he coulda been a good master splinter but brandon started fucking brians tube like a pocket pussy immediately after hatching and thats why hes the gimpy one fkn deformed lil vienna sausage boy
yxnn: this that track ur grandma shagged ur grandpa to after sharing half a potato
dickbutt: guest u can follow me around doing the diglet dig thing all the time if u want
yxnn: Gre3n just says im bored points a flashlight at his pp like a bat signal and all the aussie broads just flock
CrankinHog: mycats hoping if she makes a big enough chat-scene Gre3n will notice her
Demigod_Nero: brian just because brandon's nutsack is shaped like a heart from the angle he teabags you, doesnt make it love
Mike-Hawk: green does seem like the type who fucked up
Mike-Hawk: he should have been in the military
Mike-Hawk: sniper
Mike-Hawk: you are always calm
Mike-Hawk: green
Mike-Hawk: you have what a sniper takes
Mike-Hawk: no emotiondickbutt: i need to bust in a lady soon or im going to start fighting minorities in the street
calijames: i feel honestly like beta was raised by wolves and this isnt the best place for ehr to come to see how to behave normally
eyesworld: Almighty Lord, ask the coronavirus to take his life-----croco24
saintpablo: ok so anyways i hadnt shit in ages
saintpablo: so i took this huge poop it honestly looked a bit like a rubix cube but it was only 1 color and it was a bit larger than that with not as defined edges
saintpablo: it wouldnt flush so i jabbed it with a chopstick and put it into a grocery bag and flung it onto a busy jogging trail behind my apartmentbutters12349: alexa is the forgotten bikey boy
sydphilis: sorry that ur a coom-brained simp
faded: listening to tame impala makes me want to dance in the sun drinking an iced coffee and wearing a sundress
PAULLLLLLL: funniest thing ive seen in 2020 so far was some guy bust a fat nut to my professors zoom feed i streamed on omegle
Face_No: THEY ARE A PART OF MEdickbutt: best thing to do when u get naked in front of a woman is just turtle up real hard and cry
grapejuice: after women give birth....maybe the boob soul leave and the boobs just look like skin tags deflated.....
CrankinHog: The universe always balances the bad with the good
CrankinHog: Coronavirus devastates earth, bad
CrankinHog: emils has a brain tumor and goes blind, hilariously goodbroooke: i only like autistic men if they have horse cocks
br0valtine: green i just wanna rub my face on your head
avocado: random epikchat girl- hey . no one not a single soul: nero before anything else: time to make a collage
CzarNero: my face is worth more than my smooth ken doll pelvis
faded: a woman of proper noble stature would never celebrate the unsheathing of her bosoms
faded: milk is only good when its pluralFaded: hot tubs are inherently gay eventually when you slide over a jet the wrong way
Grizzly: damn i think ive realized my gay awakening
Grizzly: was actually just a jacuzziZorra: i ate too many potato
slayahontas: omg Brandon looks like he rides the special bus in that orange tshirt
Dickbutt: "grandmas are always around but sushi is temporary"
LOADGOD: i need a foreskin reattachment surgeryfaded: i stood next to yao ming irl
faded: my forehead was at eye level with his ballsTrip: the only chicks who will jerk me off are retards and grandmas
PAULLLLLLL: no the blood to me is like cold gravy
cant: mike-hawk why do you always look like youre trying to comprehend the present
Mike-Hawk: crybaby is looking like a lil snackWomp: eyesworld womp gre3n happy
davidnel-sunstudio: dani says IM immature and that bitch WONT even get a hot babe to follow me becuase i didnt PLEASE dani like i owe her something HEY DANI IM ALL YOU CAN GET BITCH THINGS IS NOT ABOUT YOU AND FYI YOU DIDNT PLEASE ME SO FUCK YOU
[broooke] Cisso: you nasty socialist cunt
DerpyDani: adam and i are gonna form a suicide pack
HEROICGOD: I'M GOING TO BECOME AN ABObrianv3: i have the biggest penis in this chatroom
brianv3: jk
YouHeardMe: spit it out brian
YouHeardMe: it doesn't belong to youbutters12349: kimmy have you ever thought about doing a photo shoot of you naked looking off a mountain top while wearing an "native" headdress lol
eyesworld: Centurion is made by gre3n
eyesworld: gre2n You must find a virgin wife in Australia, all divorced women are second-hand goods, very bad.eyesworld: Women have to resist pornography until they are 30.
BrandonCruxx: Brian shut the fuck up
grapejuice: VDJ reading the fat bible
grapejuice: about sheepsydphilis: QUE3N
eyesworld: later After the intermittent chat bar, the thought is infinite.
Whiteboi: green is the australian breeding bull of epikchatMike-Hawk: green i'm a pyssy that's why
Mike-Hawk: i have a bird dick what do u expect
Mike-Hawk: Brandon has poked you
Mike-Hawk: wow i have goosebumpseyesworld: You have an earthman mentality and a cosmic perspective
Crybaby: just view green
Crybaby: hes so ugly he'll push you to suicide and then you wont have to worry about itshinyama: life is mother fappers
shinyama: daddy and meee,,, another gay pornTristen: Why the duck are we even doing here in the first place?
sexyguy101: first off green i finger my ass for stormy
GRE3N: david how many girls have u cam sexed
sexyguy101: nonedickbutt: i am a penile icon
dickbutt: when i was working that job i went to 7-11 and took a huge dump it was like a third of this girls mass
dickbutt: it was at that moment i realized i could eat her if i wanted to
dickbutt: wholedickbutt: i was taking a dump at work and this black dudes walks in and goes "im gonna have to sing through this one"
dickbutt: starts singing and loudly shitting
dickbutt: i diedeyesworld: Everybody's webcam is a live flesh file. I like to look at all the files.
brianv2: i have a handicap
notbrian: *touches laska's little girl parts
notbrian: huedickbutt: (standard answer= butterfly) what do you see sir "looks like 2 men fucking"
duck: lemme fuk u with a strap on nero
spittyyy: im rooting for ferguson because we both have autism
spittyyy: if mcgregor loses i will litteally suck a black cock
(he lost)
spppitttyy: keyboard warriors will be writen about like greek and romans are todayMike-Hawk: GREEN U DON'T WANNA GET CUTE
Mike-Hawk: wrong brandon aron
Mike-Hawk: you're trying to be cuteyeezus: brooke and Gre3n look like brother and sister
GRE3N: classic yeezus with her incest fetishesspittyyyyyy: jinpie the fat balding old guy says your perfect
sexyguy101: i just fap to my old high school friend pic
sexyguy101: -_-
DavidAlexanderNelson: *thinks about dogs*
sexyguy101: 2nd i only show my dick to ONE underage girl
sexyguy101: stormy made me finger my ass FOR NOTHING
sexyguy101: stormy MADE me finger my ass for her on cam and she NEVER cam sex me have you even READ what im saying or you just taking my words out of context ? crankin hog
sexyguy101: abracadabra HOW whould you feel if a girl MADE you finger your ass for cam sex and she NEVER did and record you and put you in a pornsite that you NEVER ask for ?
sexyguy101: people treat me like im patrick starsexyguy101: im STUCK WITH ZOE
lace420: iain can barely run to the bathroom, u want him to run my channel?
iamcurlyhead: but i dont think god would taste that good unless it had a lot of meat on it
GRE3N: nero, jealousy is a poor look on you
Nero91: it'[s my only lookGossip: there should always be a buffer in our convos
CzarNero: wellI got my own gay games
RIZLA420: MUA your a bint i don't type much had 2 b said
RIZLA420: to to busy begging for a green card to know what a bint is 2 sweetdickbutt: kaytee reminds me of these beaners that lived down the street from me when i was a kid
dickbutt: that killed their own hamsters and grew up to join the latin kingsGRE3N: i like rippling depression over crippling. makes me feel like a shitty puddle
GRE3N: phillipines starter pack: make up, fan, chat ave, penis
GRE3N: brooke lost those thai kids in her assholejumps: ching chong eggroll ding dong
carmen420: WAS AMAZEkasey: dont be mad just cuz i'm not after ur drunk
kasey: does loving dick make me gay
kasey: i like dick green
emils2017: what
kasey: i dont love vaginasuperduper: brooke so your organism face must be out of this world then
Trip: i was lookin at my pecs the other day thinking "i've fucked chicks with smaller tits than this"
Broooke: "you know those things, you open a bottle with, you know... oh jesus christ its called a bottle opener"
Brooke: Can Jewish people be black?
broooke: Gre3n is out of my leagueeyesworld: Gre3n, please tell broooke that I personally revoke the title of newzealand queen
JuddHound: i didnt even know brooke drank until i saw her sober once
HeroOfThisChatLives: I'm the ambassador of dick
HeroOfThisChatLives: ASH YOU MAKE ME SMILE JUST BEING YOUCrybaby: i produce so much saliva when i drink
BeachFace: I miss hero
Mike-Hawk: i just got it yesterday
BeachFace: um did i just say that?
GRE3N: shut up sarah
lace420: this bores mefaded: boobs are cool
faded: according to some i never get laid so how would i have chlamydia
faded: checkmatesaintpablo: adrian is it weird I have all of our early convos capped
Nero91: this aus boi is so cute in a geeky way
Nero91: trust me annie I would like to take care of you for a lifetime.CzarNero: that collage is actually very good
randomchtrr: Schrödinger's dog .. until you look David is both fucking and not fucking the dog
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