My Profile

  • wkramps - i've never pmd any asian woman
    wkramps - i cnt be the sexual attraction of this room (11/05/2024)
    Ryan228 - Lets all buy tennis shorts so Sass can judge us accordingly (18/05/2024)
    sasshole - *shrug* I'm a francophile and butt girl (19/05/2024)
    sasshole - I like pinchable butts on guys (26/05/2024)
    punkrock - red beans - reminds me of nipples (26/06/2024)
    Ryan228 - Tell me about his gyros (27/06/2024)
    - how big it is
    Ryan228 - I can imagine Kostas_cam lying on the sofa nude like Titanic (27/06/2024)
    wkramps - ive been waiting for kostas to rub my back for hours. i think i should get dressed he's not gonna come (28/06/2024)
    punkrock i am always horny (29/06/2024)
    wkramps - I'm tentenless (07/07/2024)
    Sunkissed - Act professional, innocent and decent (15/07/2024)
    williamoshakespoon - wkramps is forever a lurker (31/07/2024)
    Ryan228 - Why are your balls so big, Kostas_cam? (12/08/2024)
    wkramps - i'd show my big toe for 100 tokens (13/08/2024)
    Ryan228 - Wkramps is heterosexual in real life but homosexual on epik (14/08/2024)
    williamoshakespoon - im the most innocent in procaf (2/11/2024)
    treesap - im a virgin (25/02/2025)
    sllip - kos pays us to be here (25/02/2025)

    'Αν το μετέφρασες αυτό,μόλις έχασες 10 δευτερόλεπτα απ'την ζωή σου! 😃

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    Joined August 2018
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