My Profile

  • Mindfully enriching every seconds of my life. πŸ•›

    When you have a heart of gold and pure intentions, you don't lose anyone, they lose you. πŸ’›

    Hmmm...the seemingly infinite supply of options allowed me to care less, to distance myself, to treat people like items in an online shopping cart… as a result, I found myself deeply unhappy with all of it. πŸ˜”

    Oh Lord, Even if it hurts, break me, if it's the only way to redirect me. I trust that you have a plan for me, and sometimes that means enduring pain and hardship. I am willing to face the discomfort if it means being guided back to your path. Let my trials and tribulations be a way to strengthen my faith and bring me closer to your will. πŸ™πŸΌ

    πŸ’»Works at 8AM - 10PM EST.
    No time for you BS!

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    Joined April 2023
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