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  • Looking for a chill room to get away from the cesspool lobby full of degenerates?
    Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe is just the room for you....

    Join now:

    ** Enter at your own risk. Only requirement, must like cake **

    "GrabCity: cake is the greatest dessert on earth" - 05/01/17 7:59 PM
    "Salty: nonstop cream pie is good" - 04/22/18 8:26 AM
    "NirvInch84: I'd eat pie before I'd eat balut." ..... "Salty: i'd lick nirv's ass before i'd eat balut" - 04/25/18 6:34 PM
    "tatertwat: cake is better than anything" - 05/30/18 12:41 PM
    "Nirvinch84: ?ping" ..... "acai: nirv YOUR PING!" ....... "epikchat BOT: pong! 133878ms" ..... - 08/01/22 8:27 PM
    "Passive: cake is nice, ass is nice, what's your problem bruh".... - 08/19/22 2:12 AM
    "epikchat: pong! 112729ms ─" 09/11/2022 8:09 PM
    "travelingtime: pizza is the cake of dinner" 02/17/2023 10:53 PM
    "travelingtime: vagina cream cake would be better ─" 02/25/2023 2:45PM
    "Damo151: Lol all hail cake. ahahaha man this is so wild a love of cake and cake followers. and life is cake so it has been typed. cake lifes matters" 03/11/2023 4:17 PM
    "NirvInch84: ?ping" .... " epikchatBOT: pong! 8ms" 07/03/2024 1:09 PM

    "System Announcement
    Today EpikChat is enabling Cake Day badges for all accounts. On the day of your EpikChat account anniversary a special cake tag will show up when you type. You can find the day your account was created by clicking the Joined date in your profile." - 02/22/2023

    "System Announcement
    ..and just like that, our streaming servers are back in the game! 📹 Time to get your "Netflix and chill" plans back on track... but just keep your pants on, or at least wait until the servers crash again! Happy chatting <3" - 05/31/2024

    "System Announcement
    EpikChat is resolving a few issues with a recent system update. We thank you for your patience as we work to address the problem."
    NirvInch84: ≫ systemtest: ≫ NirvInch84: i demand a refund Epik ─ NO REFUNDS! ─ how about an exchange? ─ 08/27/24

    "System Announcement
    It's been a while since our last update but EpikChat’s been crafting some seriously epik updates for 2025! Get ready for games, combined streaming, a smoother chat experience, and more! We're working overtime for your love! Stay tuned!" - 02/02/2025

    Badges · Learn more
    Joined April 2015
  • Doodles