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私は時々 Kostas_cam と小さなベッドを共有し、ゲームでPunkrockを誘惑します。
Kessy-02 は私のストーカーで、彼女はハビビが 99 あるにもかかわらず、私と私のボーイフレンド、Wkramps に恋をしています。
"i'm 3 cm smaller than ryan and 3 cm bigger" - Wkramps
"i'm the most decent person on epik" - Wkramps
"Mm lets make out" - S0raya
"rub my lamp ryan" - Wkramps
"we can try the floor again if you want" - Sasshole
"my beer is cum" - Punkrock
"I don’t care, as long he makes me cum" - Sunkissed
"what ever he says hes a god damn liar (regarding Wkramps)" - jpmax
"I'd tap that" - Sasshole
"if you want me to be romantic, i'll say sweet things while i spank you ryan" - Wkramps
"Ill wait for yall with open legs" - Virginbutt
"Hurry back I miss you so much (to one of his harem)" - Wkramps
"sorry my loves, i'm busy with work" - Wkramps
"cuddles with a happy ending" - TheCoffeeSniffer
"my butt is buff" - Wkramps
"no offense you probably have beautifil tits but he prefers my butt" - Wkramps
comr here i will eat the gummy panty out - Skybuilder
"i ran 21k last saturday, my big balls got all blue lol" - WkrampsWorst ping:
1) "pong! 4861ms" - Ryan228
2) "pong! 4787ms" - Williamoshakespoon
3) "pong! 3555ms" - Nightfall
4) "pong! 2164ms" - Sunkissed
5) "pong! 709ms" - TheCoffeeSnifferBadges · Learn moreJoined January 2020
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