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  • Dear EpikChat Patrons,

    As you may already know, was a limited time experiment that aimed to provide a fun and engaging platform for online chatting. We are sad to announce that our experiment has come to an end, and will be shutting down on February 10, 2024.

    We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and participation in our experiment. You have been an amazing community of chatters, who made a lively and enjoyable place to be. We appreciate your feedback, suggestions, and enthusiasm throughout our journey.

    We hope that you had a great time on, and that you made some lasting friendships and memories. We certainly learned a lot from this experiment, and we are grateful for your contribution to our research.

    We wish you all the best for the future, and we hope to see you again on some other platform. Until then, stay safe and happy!

    The EpikChat Team





    ≫ YxelRose: We were there when she changed the lyrics of 'Karma' The vibes at the stadium were like nothing I've experienced before. My heart melted seeing every single Swiftie dad covered in glitter that had rubbed off. We had pit tickets. ─

    Бяхме там, когато тя промени текста на „Karma“ Настроенията на стадиона бяха като нищо, което съм изпитвал преди. Сърцето ми се стопи, като видях всеки един татко Swiftie, покрит с блясък, който се е изтрил. Имахме билети за бокса.

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    Joined March 2021
  • Doodles