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Alice_Cooper: last time a guy in 2 bands with a line of communication to the real Alice Cooper talks to you.
Ricochet: i never seen her b4 but they told me she look like jackie chan but thicker?
sexyguy101: im all grease up for you im in boxer briefs
Womp: nothin like being a male virgin on a friday night
b0st0ndgaf: no one likes me, i just talk to myself
b0st0ndgaf: its ok, some girls pitty fuck meScourger: dickbutt, epikcahts future rapist/murderer
FuzzMun: salty i hope your baby gets lugariks disease
PAULLLLLLL: puzzles you should put the handle of your xbox controller on the base of your cock and drive a motorcycle on train tracks in grand theft auto
puzzles: i did thatFinessaWilliams: I now refer to “ghosting” ppl as abrandoning them.
Mike-Hawk: the bird is upset
davidnel-sunstudio: dani yes i want to see youre cock
zoey1234567: no i am disabled how can i be a retard
darby: i dedicate this song to ducky
A_R-1991: once i get a job and activate my sex life, goodbye Epikchat, goodbye chatlife
davidnel-sunstudio: dickbutt i hope someone rapes you in the fucking ass you fucking cock blocking peice of shit
grapejuice: my ex gf had sideburns felt like Roy Orbison in the dark....i felt like a homosexual...….
zoey123: Crankinhog didn’t you smelled my fart yet boy
Mike-Hawk: lol dickbutt is daddy
brianv5: the only good underage porn worth watching is lolly hentai
slayahontas: adam blocked
slayahontas: 14 day blockTheCloser: I am 5'5
eyesworld: dickbutt You look great every time I see you
brianv5: i tell them i'm going to rape their children
Xen0: lol. I wish more people had my experiences with the hood, they wouldn't be such dumbfucks.
brianv5: i told a mother i was going to kidnap and rape her 7 y.o daughter
david-nelsunstudio: some men are SO stupid and horny they cant use there brain
pidgeon: ok can someone explain why brian is trying to fuck me while im 16 and have said it
brianv5: Because I’m a pedophile pidgeonbrianv5: i will groom casio and then force her when she is 18
calijames: oh i see doordash has started identifying black owned businesses so i know which restaurants to avoid if i don't want activator dripping in my food
david-nelsunstudio1: i like girls who are wild and showing body and make men CUM
test1: Big boobs are a woman's pride and joy
psychomantis666: i wear two or three pairs of underwear when im at work, so no one can see my dick
calijames: i will knock out any woman here
david-nelsunstudio1: discosuperfly woof woman
test1: I will not allow the sperm and egg to combine to conceive a new life
brianv7: Casio, I want you to do all of your homework before you get on epikchat today
apricotprincess: Brian stfu I'm on Xmas break u pedo
brianv7: Okay princesdavid-nelsunstudio1: i cyber sex a fat woman
david-nelsunstudio1: and it was worth itbrianv5: i literally told nixie i was going to kidnap and rape her daughter
WeTigers: steffers youre built like a bobs burgers character
Mike-Hawk: butters i lick em where they piss not where they shit
Hellion: jay tik.....i built a chair on cam............................
Hellion: ON CAM
Hellion: you have no reason to doubt meeurie_tarded: i dont even use lotion anymore i just pull on it
artisticsNUMBER1FAN: dont quote me bitch!
test1: It is no secret that I have downloaded hundreds of G's of European and American erotic movies from a torrent of seeds, not in the sense of porn. dickbutt
test1: erotic movies not pornneoliberal: Adam is the charles darwin of classifying coal burners
daddy: workin on the farm workin at the theatre gotta please mommy gotta type cheers on the computer
calijames: i wont live within 12000 miles of an arab
Mike-Hawk: loadgod calls everyone else kings but me
Mike-Hawk: he begs me to cam then i do
Mike-Hawk: and he doesn't say shitPassive: Adam I went on cam for you
lace420: falling in <3 with that stache
Mike-Hawk: i punched my sister in the face
≫ DieseTxs: if alessandra had cashapp, I would spoil her ─
≫ dickbutt: david pm'd me trying to get the shit video ─
≫ davidnelsun111: Dickbutt bro why put me on blast ? ─≫ Mike-Hawk: i just talk to cute boys like dickbutt and loadgod ─
≫ Papatya: i go on the corner daily and suck them ─
lace420: daddy gets what daddy wants
≫ ThuperThilllly: Adam sting theory has nothing to do with that lol ─
≫ Colt1: ur so fucking funny adam ─
≫ dickbutt: mike you should take an IQ test ─
≫ Mike-Hawk: i did ─
≫ Mike-Hawk: i'm at 144 ─
≫ Mike-Hawk: i thing i should be at 160 ─Badges · Learn moreJoined May 2013