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  • I smoke i sip i make merry…No time for drama or ego trips or peeps actin certified damaged material, I'm not your daddy or your child. Show me love or don't show me shit...(Period)2:12 AM
    6:45 PM
    epic_guyAsians apply to best US colleges with best qualificiations just to be rejected because a dumb black student is getting their place solely on the race basis Mike-Hawk the racist shit gets old butters12349 bad trolling..he misspelled qualifications...cackle. You Have No Spine
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    Between you and TandemFrost

    You have to be the weakest, most no-integrity nigger I have ever met.

    And a coward. My name is Andrew.

    I don't know your name. messaging me and blocked is just loneliness first name is fuck....last name off....BreakingGlad: america is a racist nation in denial of its history and of its systemic racism ─ Liked

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    Joined November 2015
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