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  • officially divorced 8/21/24 11:11am <3
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    Everything happens for a reason, exactly how and when it should. Everyone you meet came into your life to teach, show, or share something with you. Including me. All realities exist infinitely, and it is up to us to manifest into this timeline the ones we long for. Only thing is, it works both ways. Reality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

    i'm not a zoo animal. say words.. it's fine. you can even feed me. lol

    If you need a name, you can call me Hegcatroia (he-cuh-troy-ya); now roll your tongue when you say it.
    Not sure why I put myself in this creature being species, I'm an alien from Betelgeuse.
    I can be there for someone, but i cannot be their someone at this point in my experience.
    I have a pic uploaded of things i find attractive in others. I like to make happy memories with those who also do; although, i don't plan on having another exclusive relationship with any one other.
    I'm not here for a long time, i'm here for a good time.
    I love cooking yummy food(studied culinary arts for 2 years), being outside(when warm); birdwatching, swimming, camping, sunbathing, star watching, fires, gardening, hiking, riding bicycle, collecting crystals, is pretty much the only game i play; well that and board games(or online versions of board games, yahtzee anyone?)
    ♫Age ain't nothing but a number Throwing down ain't nothing but a thing♫

    My five fav things would have to be seeing humans thriving/enjoying themselves, especially the ones i transported here(I have 3 kids) #1; being in nature #2; being in water #3: fire #4: and #5 would have to be food(thy did a great thing there).

    I'm becoming less distant, anxious,and stressed as I get closer to being free from the abuse i've been suffering; tho there is still a lot on my mind these days.
    After 20 yrs, i'm going through the big D and don't mean Dallas; I will be fine; better than fine even.
    Each day that passes is one day closer...

    Feel free to send toke pokes; within reason, cause I might be asleep.

    There's what you know, what you don't know, then what you don't know you don't know. ya know?
    Just so ya know, I most likely won't befriend or dock you til we've chatted a while first. I don't take requests to do this or that there, and only my friends can come to my slumber parties.
    Dislike what you see? Reflect better!
    sry=some reality yeah

    Thy don't need to be saved, Thy already did that.

    Just for today, I will not be angry.
    Just for today, I will not worry.
    Just for today, I will be grateful.
    Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
    Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

    May I invest in this prayer of unity; reminds me that there is no others. That reminds me that this life was never about me, but always about the others. I understand that teaching.

    As sudden thunder / Pierces night;
    As magic wonder / Mad affright
    Rives asunder / Men's delight:
    Our ghost, our corpse, and we
    Rise to be.

    As flies the lizard / Serpent fell;
    As goblin vizard / At the spell
    Of pale wizard / Sinks to hell;
    The buried, dead, and slain
    Rise again.

    Today is a thought
    A fear is tomorrow
    And yesterday is our sin
    And our sorrow
    And life is a death.
    Dear ghosts, so to die
    Is to live --
    And life is a worthless lie,
    Then we weep for ourselves,
    and wish you goodbye.

    4 Laws of a Shaman
    The first says:
    "The person who comes to our life, is the right person"; that is to say that nobody comes to our lives by chance, all the people that surround us, that interact with us, are there for something, to make us learn and move forward in each situation.
    The second law says:
    "What happens is the only thing that could have happened." Nothing, but nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in our lives could have been otherwise. Not even the most insignificant detail.
    There is no such thing as: "If I had done such a thing, another one would have happened ...". No. What happened was the only thing that could have happened and it had to have been like that so that we could learn that lesson and move on. Each and every one of the situations that happen to us in our lives are perfect, even if our mind and our ego resist and do not want to accept it.
    The third says:
    "Any time you start is the right time." Everything starts at the right moment, not before, not after. When we are ready for something new to start in our lives, it is there when it will begin.
    And the fourth and last: "When something ends, it ends". Just like that. If something ended in our lives, it is for our evolution, therefore it is better to leave it, move forward and advance already enriched with that experience.
    I think it is not by chance that you are reading this, if these words came into our lives today; it's because we're prepared to understand that no snowflake ever falls into the wrong place. "

    Do you think this is

    In heaven there wouldn't
    be stains on the wall-

    This is how I always
    imagined heaven. Being in
    this house. With you.
    With time to do all the things
    I never had time to do before.

    - The O/\

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    Joined October 2020
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